Merging your Backups

Travis Harris
Travis Harris
  • Updated

Sometimes a new backup can be created for a job that was already being monitored. With the Merge Backup function you can now combine those records together to maintain the history with the new record.

Note: Merging is permanent and cannot be reversed, so ensure you use this function cautiously.

  1. Activate the new backup with the correct settings.

  2. Navigate to the Audit page and select the backup(s) that need to be merged. Leave the backup that will be the main backup result unchecked, and click Merge at the bottom of the page.
    Merge Button.png

  3. Select your main backup result, and click Merge Into.... If you've made a mistake, click Cancel Merging to cancel.
    Merge Into Button.png

  4. Confirm your merge details and click Merge.Merge3.png


You will see a green success message alerting you that merging policies has begun and may take a few minutes. Once it is complete you may fresh your Audit page, and will see the result of your work.

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