Security: Users, Groups, Permissions, and Access Groups

Travis Harris
Travis Harris
  • Updated

Under the security tab you’ll find your user management and accessibility options. Below is a brief overview of these options and where it's appropriate you’ll find a link to a more detailed breakdown.

Users grants access to the platform, Groups & Permissions controls what the user can do while in the platform and Access Groups controls which customers the user can see.


1. User Management



Here, (depending on the access permissions,) an administrator can:

  • create a user
  • delete a user
  • force a user to reset their password
  • force a user to enable two factor authentication
  • delete a user

With a growing user base, users can also be assigned to specific groups for management. Defined access and visibility permissions can be assigned to each group as detailed in the next section.

An administrator can also edit the details of a specific user. Here a user can be:

  • reassigned a new password
  • be enabled or disabled
  • assigned to a group
  • be granted visibility of specific tenanted companies

2. Group Management


Groups can be defined and deleted here. Editing a group will enable you to define the members of the group. The group can then be given specific permissions in Backup Radar.

3. Permissions


If you have more than one Group created, you can choose which group’s permissions you want to adjust via the Permission Group drop down list. All sections on the permissions page can be toggled by a master Select All or use the arrow on the right to expand the box and perform more precise modifications.

After any changes make sure to save your work with the Update button, found at the top left of the page.

4. Access Groups


In the absence of an Access Group, all users will have access to all customers. You only need to engage with this feature if you’re looking to restrict access, most commonly used to create a customer portal to see dashboards and reports.


Adding companies here enables access to that customer's data in Backup Radar. Companies can be added one by one via the drop down, or all customers can be added in the grayed out area and then removed one by one to restrict access.

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