First, we will need to create an IAM Policy and an IAM User with this policy assigned in your AWS.
Login to your AWS console and navigate to IAM Access Management Policies. Here we will need to create a "BackupRadar" Policy.
Next, we will need to assign permissions (see AWS Permissions) using the JSON editor.
Finalize the "BackupRadar" policy
Now we will need to create a "BackupRadar" user in IAM (Access Management Users Add User) to assign the policy to.
Assign the "BackupRadar" policy to the newly created IAM user (the policy names is searchable in the permissions policy search bar)
Under the user, go to the Security Credentials tab and click the "Create Access Key" button. (We will need the keys generated in this step for your integration)
Please note the secret key will only be available one time at key creation.
Copy both of the key values as they will be needed when setting up the integration in Backup Radar. These will go into fields 3 & 4 in the integration profile at the bottom of this article.
Now navigate to EC2 in your AWS Console and select the region your EC2 instance exists in using the top-right dropdown.In your EC2 dashboard under "Service Health", please find the region for your instance. This will go into field 2 in the integration profile at the bottom of this article.
Next, you will need to open up Backup Radar and navigate to Integrations Backup Integrations AWS. Fill in the fields you have gathered during your IAM user and policy creation with their corresponding fields.
The profile name is up to you as it is only a means of identifying the individual integration in Backup Radar.
For field number 5, we recommend setting a custom value that is the company or client name that the integration belongs to.