Company Assignment Rules

Travis Harris
Travis Harris
  • Updated

Benefits of using the Company Assignment Rules

Once you have your company rules configured for your naming conventions Backup Radar will automatically assign the appropriate company to any new backup being brought into Backup Radar. When used in conjunction with templates (see Using Templates to Auto Activate Backups) you can automate the activation process for new clients and new backup jobs.


Go to the Companies page (Manage Companies)

You will see a list of the companies you have available in Backup Radar. These have either been imported through your PSA integration, or manually added and local to Backup Radar. The "type" column will indicate the source of each company. 


Company statuses

The status column will provide further insight into the status of the rules for each company. 


This indicates rules have not been defined 

Screen_Shot_2021-12-07_at_7.46.47_PM.png There is a conflict between one or more rules. Review the rules in conflict and make sure your backups don't match multiple company rules.
Screen_Shot_2021-12-07_at_8.02.48_PM.png There are rules changed or newly established which are pending "apply". You can manually apply these which will force apply to the already activated backups or you can wait until Backup Radar automatically checks to update the backups waiting in "Activate Backups". Backup Radar will auto apply to the inactive backups every hour.
Screen_Shot_2021-12-07_at_7.46.53_PM.png There were no backups found matching the rules defined
Screen_Shot_2021-12-07_at_7.49.01_PM.png The company rules have been applied



The "Rules" button will allow you to build rule sets for each company.


Rule Attributes and Operator options



Available Values

Backup Type


Backup, Alert

Email Address

equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with

Free form text entry

Job Name

equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with

Free form text entry

Device Name

equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with

Free form text entry

Backup Method

contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with

Free form text entry

Backup Method

equals, does not equal

Drop Down of available Backup Methods (from the backups you are sending Backup Radar)


Rule configuration

Using the above attribute and operators you can build out multiple rules using either "AND" or "OR" comparators. You cannot combine comparators unless you introduce one or more groups. 

When you add a group you can select one comparator for all rules within that specific group, and use a different comparator between the groups. 

Nested groups are also supported following the same principles as above.



Here is a common example where you may have two different naming conventions depending on the specific backup application. 
This rule would assign the company name "Backup Radar" to any Veeam backup starting with BUR- or any Skykick backup containing the domain


Testing your rule

Once you have built out your rule as you see fit it is recommended to test your logic against your backup list. This will look at all of your already activated backups, and backups waiting in the "Activate Backups" screen. 


The test screen will display all the backups found matching your rule. It will also display if there was a previous Company Name assigned to these backups. This is helpful to ensure you are not making a rule that is too generic and is grabbing backups that should be part of another company rule. 


Saving your rule

After you save your rule, it will begin to be used to update backups waiting in the "Activate Backups" screen. A couple times an hour these rules will be checked against any backup not yet active without a company assigned to it. 

You must click "Apply Changes" to apply your company rules to backups that have already been activated. 


Analyze and apply rules

When you are ready to apply company name to backups you have already activated you will press the "Apply Changes" button on the Company List page. 

Apply Changes first analyzes all of your rules to ensure there are not any conflicts where more than one company is fighting over the same backup. You will have a screen popup showing all companies that have backups being affected. You can turn off the "Hide already applied" toggle, this will show you all of the companies, even the ones that won't have any changes made.

Each company will have a summary of the following:

  • # to be moved: indicating the backups being moved to a new company name. This could be brand new activations, or identify possible rule issues if backups are moving to a new company and shouldn't
  • # conflicts: This will indicate if there are any backups conflicted between other company rules. If you have any conflicts that entire company will be skipped when applying. 
  • # backups: This indicates the number of backups to be affected by this change.


You can expand each company to display all of the backups your rules have identified should be part of that company. Your conflicts will be highlighted in red, this provides further visibility into fixing rules causing conflicts.

Pressing apply will write the company name changes to all backups listed. This will affect the backups in "Activate Backups" as well as backups you have already activated. 

After applying changes, the companies page will have updated statuses for each company.


With your company rules in place, the next step will be to create templates (see Using Templates to Auto Activate Backups) to fully automate the activation process!

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