You can integrate your Cove Backup by N-Able (previously known as MaxBackup) through API Integration.
There are 3 different integration methods, dependant on your Cove Backup type.
- Standalone
- Integrated with N-Central
- Integrated with RMM
Login to Backup Radar and under Backup Integrations, click on the appropriate N-able + icon.
Standalone & N-Central integrated
Put in a profile name to identify your instance then the API user and password (see below on creation of the API user)
Lastly ensure you select the correct integration version, whether you have a standalone or N-Central integrated version.
API User creation:
If you are using standalone you can login to the Cove Backup management console, add a new user and ensure you select the checkbox for API user.
If you're using the N-Central integrated version of Cove Backup, you will need to have N-able create this API user for you. Submit a support ticket and we will then provide the appropriate N-able contact to have this API user created.
RMM Integrated
Please generate an API key and select your region.
Integrations are synced hourly, and the initial sync can take up to 90 minutes. Once it comes through the backups will show up in the activate screen.