Start of Business
Start of Business Day is set to 0 by default. These are time settings so 0 represents 12am. Our 24 hour threshold is from 12am - 12am in this case.
The start of business of 0 is the most common and correct setting in 99% of cases. The only cases where it may make sense to push a result back a day is if it starts after midnight and the backup finishes relatively quickly. Adjusting the start of business to 8 in those cases would make sense.
Example 1:
To understand start of business it is important to note that we store results based on when the backup job starts, not when the email is received.
For example this Veeam job below started on Aug 12 at 3:30AM. So with a setting of 0 the backup will be placed on Aug 12 result set. If I change the start of business to 4am then this result would be pushed back a day to Aug 11 as the backup started before 4am. The start of business setting can never push a backup forward a day.
Example 2:
Another common case is a backup that starts right after midnight. In the sample above, if the backup started on Aug 12 at 1am, if we keep using a default backup setting of 0 then the result would be placed on the Aug 12 backup set.
If we use a setting of 2am then this backup would be pushed back into the prior day to Aug 11.