Working with Status Calculation

Olivia McCormack
Olivia McCormack
  • Updated

Status Calculation is a feature that allows you to control how Backup Radar displays the overall status of a backup that has received multiple, differing results in a 24-hour period.

You can choose one of the options in the table below to determine your preferred calculation for overall status of a backup for any given day.

Note: If your backup receives multiple results in a 24-hour period but they are all the same (e.g. all successful backups), Backup Radar will skip the status calculation step and just display that one status. 

Status Calculation Description
Warning if mixed (formerly called Default) Displays a warning status if there is a mix of success and failure results.
Last Status Received

Displays the status of the last backup result received.

For example, if a backup was successful all day but the last backup of the day was a failure, this status calculation will show the overall status for that day as a failure.

Worst Status Received

Displays the worst* result received that day.

For example, if a backup logged one failure, one warning, and four successes in a day, this status calculation will show the overall status for that day as a failure.

Best Status Received

Displays the best* result received that day.

For example, if a backup logged one success, one warning, and four failures in a day, this status calculation will show the overall status for that day as a success.

*Statuses are ranked (from best to worst) as follows: Success, Warning, and Failure.

Setting up your Status Calculation

Who can use this feature?
• Administrator users.
• Standard users (who have been granted access).
• Client users (who have been granted access).

By default, your backups will be set to Warning if mixed. Follow the steps below to modify your status calculation settings:

  1. In your Backup Radar account, navigate to Manage > Edit Backups.
    Manage > Edit Backups.png

  2. Select your desired backup and click Bulk Edit.
    Select Backup > Bulk Edit.png

  3. Select the Configuration tab.

    Configuration Tab.png

  4. Under Status Calculation, configure the following options:
    Status Calculation.png
    a. Status Calculation: Choose between Warning if mixed, Last Status Received, Worst Status Received, or Best Status Received.
    b. Start of Business Day: Choose your desired time. Setting this to 12:00AM means that Backup Radar will consider 12:00AM-12:00AM one 24-hour period for status calculation each day. This is our most commonly used Start of Business Day setting.
    c. Treat Warning as Success: Choose this setting if you would like to force any warning to appear as a success. Use this setting with caution.

  5. Click Save, and you're done!

Any questions? Reach out to our friendly, neighborhood support team by submitting a support ticket.

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