Setting up Alert on Failure

Matthew Gulliver
Matthew Gulliver
  • Updated

Our Alert on failure allows an MSP or Service provider to create a ticket or send an email notification immediately if a failure comes through on a backup. In addition to creating a ticket you can also group the tickets based on whatever settings you would like to group them such as Job Name or Device Name, etc. 

The options shown below are where you enable the Alert on Failure option. This can be done for a single backup or you can edit them in bulk from the Edit Policies screen or the Audit page. Create ticket will create a ticket in your PSA if you have setup an integration to one of our supported PSAs.

You can also select an email notification that will send a separate email notification if the backup should fail to whatever email address you list. 

Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 4.29.51 PM.png

When you switch the toggle to 'on', you'll be choose how many failures are needed to trigger the alert and then whether they need to be sequential (in a row) or total within 24 hours, as well whether the alert should be delivered as a ticket to your integrated PSA or via email.

*if you select Send an e-mail, another field will generate where you can enter the recipients address.



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