Retire Backups is a helpful feature for when you no longer need a backup (for example, when a customer moves on or you retire a device).
Follow the steps below to retire a backup in your Backup Radar account:
- Under Manage, select Edit Backups.
- Select the backup you would like to retire and click Bulk Retire.
- Add a reason for retiring and click Retire.
What’s next? Once your backup has been retired successfully, you can find it in Manage > Retired Backups. It will no longer display in the Dashboard, Audit, or Active Reports screens. New results will continue to parse, but they will be muted and no longer count towards license usage. History will be saved. |
Need to reactivate a retired backup? See Reactivating your Retired Backups for more information.
Any questions? Reach out to our friendly, neighborhood support team by submitting a support ticket. |