Hello! In this article, we'll walk through the steps for creating a new user in Backup Radar.
Who can use this feature? • Administrator users. |
Note: There are three user types in Backup Radar: Admin, Standard, and Client. Admin and Standard user accounts are also referred to as Partner accounts. To learn the full details of user type permissions, see Understanding User Types. |
Creating an Admin/Standard User
Creating an Admin/Standard User
This function is supported in the ScalePad Hub, where Admin and Standard users are managed. See Creating a New User for step-by-step instructions.
Note: Only users with an email address matching one of your primary or secondary email domains can be designated as Admin or Standard user types. See Working with Email Domains for more information on this.
Creating a Client User
Creating a Client User
- In Backup Radar, navigate to Settings > User Management.
- Choose the Client tab.
- Click the Create Client User button.
- Enter the following user information:
a. Email: Enter your client's email address.
b. New Password: Your client user will use this password to initially log in. They can change their password later.
c. First Name and Last Name for your new client user. They can change their first and last name later.
d. Client User Groups: By default, Client users will be assigned to the Client Group (default) user group. If you have created at least one additional user group and would like to assign one or more of them to this user, check the boxes for the user group(s) you'd like to assign to this user. Selected groups will be displayed under the user group(s) selected heading.
e. Company Access: By default, Client users will have no company access. If you would like to grant company access to this Client user, type or select the company name from the Select Company field and click Add. When company access has successfully been added, the company name will appear underneath the Select Company field with a trash icon next to it.
- Click Save, and you're done! An invitation will be send to the user's email address, and they'll be able to log in from there.
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