Heya! Follow the steps below to create an integration between Syncro MSP and Backup Radar.
Setting up your Syncro MSP account
Note: This article captures third-party steps and/or an interface that may have since been updated. |
For more information, feel free to review the following article from Syncro MSP: API Tokens.
- In your Syncro MSP account, click your company name and select Profile/Password.
- Click API Tokens.
- Click the + New Token button.
- Select Custom Permissions and configure the following permissions as shown below:
a. Name: Name the token "Backup Radar".
b. Expiration: Set the expiration date to a date far into the future (for example, 10 years in the future). Pro tip: It's easier to type the date in this field, rather than use the date picker.
- Set the following API permissions as shown below:
a. Under Assets, select the following permissions:
b. Under Customers, select the following permissions:
c. Under Tickets, select the following permissions:
d. Under Ticket Comments, select the following permission:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create API Token.
- Make a note of the API key. This will be the only time you'll be able to access your full key, so be sure to store it in a secure place.
- That's it for Syncro MSP! Don't close your window yet though. Next, we'll set things up on the Backup Radar side.
Setting up your Backup Radar account
- In Backup Radar, click Integration > PSA Integration.
- Under the PSA Integration tab, click Configure.
- From the PSA Integration drop-down menu, select Syncro MSP.
- Enter the following information and click Next Step:
a. API Address: Enter https://CompanyABC.syncromsp.com/api/v1 with your own subdomain in place of CompanyABC.
To confirm your subdomain, switch back to your SyncroMSP account and check the subdomain that's displayed in your web browser's address bar.
b. Website Address: Copy and paste the same API Address you entered in the above field and delete api/v1.
c. Private Key: Enter the API key from Syncro MSP you noted earlier.
d. Map Company Type From: This field is optional and relates to company tags that you may or may not use.
- Select the Customer Type(s) and Account Status(es) for the companies you wish to sync to Backup Radar and click Next Step. These settings can be changed at any time.
Note: If your customers are not assigned types in Syncro MSP, select Sync customers without Type.
Note: We do not sync any other information beyond the company name.
- The final step gives you an opportunity to preview which of your ConnectWise companies will be imported. Select Get companies to see this list.
If there are any issues with the list, click Previous Step to go back and make the necessary adjustments. When you are ready to proceed you can select Confirm Integration.
You're done! When you see next to the Ticketing Source section, this indicates that your company sync has completed and your PSA has been integrated successfully.
To make modifications to or delete your PSA integration, follow the steps in the following article: Modifying and Deleting a PSA Integration.
What’s next? Now that you've set up your PSA application, your next step is to set up your ticketing defaults. See Setting up Ticketing Defaults for step-by-step instructions on how to do this. |
Any questions? Reach out to our friendly, neighborhood support team by submitting a support ticket. |