Setting up Scheduled Reporting

Olivia McCormack
Olivia McCormack
  • Updated


In this article, we'll look at setting up scheduled reports in Backup Radar.

Reports are helpful for sharing backup data either internally (with your boss or colleagues) or externally (with your customers).

If there's a particular report that you find you need to produce regularly, follow the steps below to set up a scheduled report and avoid generating them manually every time.

  1. In your Backup Radar account, navigate to Reporting > Scheduled Reports.
    Reporting > Scheduled Reports.png

  2. In the top right corner, click Create new Scheduled Report.
    Click Create new Scheduled Report.png

  3. Configure your scheduled report and, when finished, click the Filters tab:

    Configure Your Scheduled Report.png

    a. Scheduled Report Name: Enter your preferred Report Name for this report.

    b. Email Subject: Enter your preferred email subject line for this report.

    c. Recipients: Enter the email address(es) you would like this report to be sent to.

    d. From Address: By default, your Backup Radar account will send scheduled reports or email notifications from If you would like to send scheduled reports or email notifications from your own email address and domain, follow the steps in Sending Scheduled Reports or Email Notifications from your own Email Address and then return to this step.

    e. Time Zone: Set your time zone.

    f. Schedules: Choose one of the schedule options from the drop-down menu:
    • Daily: Report will be sent once each day.
    • Weekly: Report will be sent once each week.
    • Monthly: Report will be sent for the entire previous month.
    • Last 30 Days: Report will be sent for the entire previous 30 days.
    • Weekdays: When you choose this option, a new field will appear called Days of Week. In this field, select each day of the week that you would like your report to be sent on.

    g. Start Date: Select the first date the report should begin sending.

    h. Processing Start Time: Select the time that you would like the report to start compiling data. Note that once you choose a processing start time, the system will update the estimated latest delivery time that appears underneath this field.

    i. Custom Email Message: This is an optional field where you can enter any custom message of your choice for the body of the email.

    j. Upload Report Logo: You can optionally add a logo to this scheduled report. If you'd like to set your logo to automatically apply to all reports you can set this by navigating to Settings > Branding and setting your Default Logo.

  4. Customize your Filters tab and click Save:

    Customize your Filters tab.png

    a. Select Report Type: Choose the report type(s) you would like to schedule in this report.
    Note: Activation reports, Backup Parsing reports, and PSA Configuration Exception reports, unlike other report types, will not send if there is no data in the report.
    Note: Your Filter options will vary depending on your selected report(s). See the descriptions below for more details on our most commonly used fields:

    b. Filters: Choose the data you would like to show up on your report. If you leave a field bank, the system will include all available data for that field.

    c. File Format:
    • PDF
    • Excel: This format is not available for the Backup Overview Report.
    • CSV: This format is only available for the Weekly, Monthly, and Backup Detail reports.

    d. Paper Format
    • A2 Size
    • Landscape

    e. Report Settings:
    • Add Date in File Name.
    • Add Report Name in Report.
    • Show Report Content in Email:
    Note: Large reports cannot be displayed in the email body due to size limitations.

    f. Include:
    • Days Since Last Success: This option will display the days since last success in a similar format than is visible on the Audit screen.
    • Tickets: For PSA integration users, this option will show the ticket numbers associated with the backup on the report. When selected, you will additionally have the option of selecting Render Tickets as Links, which will hyperlink to the actual ticket in your PSA (assuming you have all the required PSA permissions).
    • Use Alternative Color for 'No Result' Status: Selecting this option will display 'No Results' in blue color. Leaving this option unchecked will just display 'No Results' as a failure on the report.

What's next:

Your scheduled report should start working its magic for you on the Start Date you selected. You can also test it immediately from the Scheduled Reporting page by clicking the Run Now button under the Actions column.
Run Now Button.png

You can repeat this process to create as many scheduled reports as you'd like for your backups.

If you'd like to create a copy of a scheduled report, navigate to the Scheduled Reports tab and click the Copy from a copy button next to the report. This can be useful if you need to create multiple customer reports with the same settings.
Copy a Scheduled Report.png

Any questions? Reach out to our friendly, neighborhood support team by submitting a support ticket.

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